
Our Flexibility

A Set-up for the Professional Packaging Purchaser

Our set-up is geared to give our customers extra benefits, including maximum security and safety.

It must be easy being a customer at Polyprint, and you can obtain various benefits through a co-operation with us:


Smooth and Precise Communication

You have direct contact with one permanent, internal contact person at Polyprint, and we are always happy to contact your customer directly, if it can advance the process.

Short Reaction Times

We react quickly, if your customer’s needs suddenly change.

Small, Urgent Orders

We can solve the job – without compromising with our high quality standards.

Big Capacity and Flexibility

We have some of the most modern machinery in Europe, which make us capable of producing small, middle sized and big orders in a flexible production flow.


For many years our motto has been:

Small enough to know you – big enough to serve you!